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Pat McDougall


  • Member 1999-2005

  • Secretary 2002-2005

  • President - elect in 2005

Pat was only in MBS for 5, whirlwind years. She was our secretary for 5 years and president elect (June) until she passed, the summer of 2005.Pat was very well informed, not only in bonsai, but  with advanced computer skills, she gave us well documented and short executive meetings.

Her workshop with the tree moon pots was knowledgeable. From drilling holes and putting on resin, to doing the research and testing the materials, she taught us in such a way that we were all proud of our results. Pat was very generous with her time, and lived with zest and vigor, never whining or complaining, although her arthritis must have been very painful. Her bonsai are still among our favorites.


Pat Doughall

Leslie Aitcheson Pat McDougall Donna Davidson repotting their trees at a MBS meeting

All three remembered fondly. Leslie Aitcheson, Pat McDougall and Donna Davidson repotting their trees at a MBS meeting.

Donna Davidson and Pat McDougall trimming a maple at a summer workshop 2004

Donna Davidson and Pat McDougall trimming a maple at a summer workshop 2004.

Matsuyama Bonsai Society, Oshawa Ontario

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