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Rick Pettyjohn

Rick, a teacher of Special Education, was a Member at Large as early as 1990. He tirelessly worked with others in the club, gathered information or materials, to share as Editor of our Journal. 

Trees , were one of his great passions. Junipers and Azaleas were some of his favourites. He went north to collect apple trees in the spring and often he would spend time involving us with projects we could do. 

With love and humour he kept the club involved and organized, welcoming new members and guest speakers. He was elected President in 1997 and passed in October 1998. Our friend, left  MBS his bonsai collection in his will. An auction was held and half the money raised went to Boy Scouts and the other half to MBS. Club members will remember Rick’s individual encouragement, his  artistic advice and prize each tree that he originally styled.


Rick Pettyjohn

Ricks azalea

Rick's Azalea

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